
How to Use Cigarettes for Household Purposes?

Summary:This article provides some tips and tricks on how to use cigarettes for household purposes. It covers a variety of topics, including storing peanuts, sewing chemical fiber garments, cleaning glass, treating skin irritation, and killing ants.

How to Use Cigarettes for Household Purposes?

Place one or two cigarettes in a peanut container or a plastic bag.
Seal the container tightly.
Peanuts stored in this way will not be eaten by insects within three years.
Sewing chemical fiber garments:

Light a cigarette and use a red flame to iron the edge of the material.
The chemical fiber ends will sinter without burning.
Cleaning glass:

Add a few cigarette butts to soapy water.
Use a rag to scrub the glass.
Treating skin irritation:

Put a pinch of cigarette ash in a container.
Add a few drops of water to make a paste.
Apply the paste to the affected area.
Killing ants:

Soak cigarette butts and shredded tobacco for a day or two.
Sprinkle some of the water on the branches and leaves.
Dilute the rest and pour it into the pot.
Tobacco powder insecticide:

Soak 400 grams of tobacco powder in 10 liters of water.
Filter out the tobacco powder.
Add 20-30 grams of soap powder and mix well.
Spray the mixture on the damaged flowers and trees.
Cigarette butt ant repellent:

Collect cigarette butts.
Take out the remaining tobacco and put it into the toilet.

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