Beauty knowledge

How to cover acne for an important event?

Summary:This article provides three tips on how to cover acne for an important event.

How to cover acne for an important event?

Tip 1: Treat acne

If the acne is already filled with pus, you can apply a hot compress to soften the pus, then use a sterilized acne needle to gently remove it, and finally apply an antibiotic ointment to reduce inflammation.

Tip 2: Use concealer

If the acne is not yet filled with pus or inflamed, you can use a concealer pen to cover it up. The concealer pen contains antibacterial ingredients that can help treat the acne while covering it up.

Tip 3: Use makeup

If you don't like the previous two methods, you can use makeup to cover up the acne. First, use a concealer pen to create a base, then use the acne as part of the makeup to create your face. For example, you can use small, delicate painted patterns to hide acne on the cheeks. You can also apply small, sparkling sequins to acne on the forehead or chin.

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