Pet knowledge

Can cats eat goji berries?

Summary:Goji berries are safe for most cats to eat, but there are some things to keep in mind.

стокові фото, фото роялті-фрі та зображення на тему каністри харчові для кішок - a cat eating goji berries from a bowl

Goji berries are a popular superfood that is often touted for its health benefits. But can cats eat goji berries?

The answer is yes, most cats can eat goji berries. Goji berries are a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as protein, iron, and calcium. They can help improve your cat's bone, muscle, and nerve health. They can also improve your cat's immune system and vision.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding goji berries to your cat. First, goji berries are high in sugar. This means that you should not feed your cat too many goji berries. A good rule of thumb is to limit your cat's intake of goji berries to 10% of their total daily food intake.

Second, goji berries can interact with certain medications. If your cat is taking any medications, you should talk to your veterinarian before feeding them goji berries.

Third, goji berries can be a choking hazard for small kittens. If you have a kitten, you should cut the goji berries into small pieces before feeding them.

Overall, goji berries are a safe and healthy treat for most cats. However, it is important to follow the guidelines above to ensure that your cat is safe and healthy.

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