Beauty knowledge

Does eating with the left hand help you lose weight?

Summary:A study suggests that right-handed people who eat with their left hand may lose weight.

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A study by Tetsuzo Agishi, a professor at Tokyo Women's Medical University, suggests that right-handed people who eat with their left hand may lose weight. Agishi's study found that right-handed people who ate with their left hand for one week ate 20% fewer calories than they did when they ate with their right hand.

Agishi believes that the reason for this is that eating with the left hand requires more effort and concentration, which can lead to people eating more slowly and mindfully. He also suggests that eating with the left hand may help to improve balance and coordination, which can lead to people being more active throughout the day.

Agishi's study is small and further research is needed to confirm its findings. However, it suggests that eating with the left hand may be a simple and effective way for right-handed people to lose weight.

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