Beauty knowledge

Juice or fruit: Which is better for weight loss?

Summary:A study suggests that juice may be more effective for weight loss than fruit.

стокові фото, фото роялті-фрі та зображення на тему зосередьтеся на червоному та жовтому кольорі - a glass of juice or a bowl of fruit.

Researchers from a French university have found that juice may be more effective for weight loss than fruit. The study, published in the journal "Nature Communications", found that juice had a greater impact on reducing body fat than fruit.

The researchers fed several groups of hamsters grapes, grape juice, apples, and apple juice. The hamsters that were fed juice had less fat accumulated in their aortas, a major artery that supplies blood to the heart.

The researchers believe that the processing of fruit into juice may make it more effective for weight loss. When fruit is juiced, the fiber is removed, which leaves behind the sugars and nutrients. These sugars and nutrients are more easily absorbed by the body, which may lead to weight loss.

The study's findings are preliminary, and more research is needed to confirm them. However, they suggest that juice may be a more effective way to lose weight than eating fruit.

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